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What interested me in aptitude is that I wasnt completely sure what it is. Aptitude is how well you do or know something. It can be physycal and mental. Aptitude refers to many different characteristics this relates to the therory of multiple integence. Most tests for apptitude are unefficiant and can only test a few different skills.

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social hi achy is the division between god and power in Mesopotamia the king or ruler is at the top. in second place is the priest. in third place is the sumerians who were welthy and were trained to read and write. then below them were the poor and slaves. the slaves would be forced threw labor without pay and little foodthe poor peoples would beg for food water and money. in america it all almost has to do with just money wealth items and mabey size of home or land. at the top is the rich popular and or spoild the peoplenext in the countdown are the people who could barely aford exspenes and luxury. then the next people on the listare either completly poor or homless that may or may not live in a homless shelter. social hiarchy can be a terable thing because it can lable people a way they might not want to be. and that was my presentation on writing.

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2. If any one bring an accusation against a man, and the accused go to the river and leap into the river, if he sink in the river his accuser shall take possession of his house. But if the river prove that the accused is not guilty, and he escape unhurt, then he who had brought the accusation shall be put to death, while he who leaped into the river shall take possession of the house that had belonged to his accuser.

192. If a son of a paramour or a prostitute say to his adoptive father or mother: “You are not my father, or my mother,” his tongue shall be cut off.

195. If a so/8n strike his father, his hands shall be hewn off. 109

Hammurabi’s laws were brutal and ridiculous. these three laws will show you how unruly and unmean ing full they all are. the laws were rediculous because of all the killing property taking beheading hand chopping were all inapropiat and wrong. at the time those laws would probably common but today they would compleatly rediculouse. the laws were unruly becauase you could not do as many of the things today like freer laws going to a court room and speak to a juge in an aurgument agaist the man you acusedor acused of to either win or lose to be found not allways to death but money finds or just time in prison.


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In ancient Mesopotamia cuneiform was the way they wrote. Today today in America we write using the roman alphabet and i think schools learning would be affected by allot by using cuneiform. Almost every day kids would have to learn allot of different characters plus all other learning requirements. Lucky for us we have to use the roman alphabet which is only twenty six letters.If we used caniaform at the age of thirteen you would still be learning symbols foe the different things we get taught. We would have a lecture if the teacher wrote something on the bored we didn’t know. We would be using clay tablets instead of sheets of paper. but one upside would be is that it might further enhance our society.  but i still think that the roman alphabet would be a better choice for education. the main reason i think it would be a better choice is because you would use up less time and have more time for education.

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