social hi achy is the division between god and power in Mesopotamia the king or ruler is at the top. in second place is the priest. in third place is the sumerians who were welthy and were trained to read and write. then below them were the poor and slaves. the slaves would be forced threw labor without pay and little foodthe poor peoples would beg for food water and money. in america it all almost has to do with just money wealth items and mabey size of home or land. at the top is the rich popular and or spoild the peoplenext in the countdown are the people who could barely aford exspenes and luxury. then the next people on the listare either completly poor or homless that may or may not live in a homless shelter. social hiarchy can be a terable thing because it can lable people a way they might not want to be. and that was my presentation on writing.

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